… as a student

Following the obtention of my scientific Baccalaureate and my preparatory school in Math and Physics, I integrated CPE Lyon (France) engineering school in Maths and Physics. Among my engineering years, I could specialized in Image and Signal Processing, Modeling and Computer Science. Following my gap year, I followed a double diploma cursus : finishing my engineering school and integrating the master Image and Development in 3D (ID3D) in University Claude Bernard Lyon 1.

In 2020, I get graduated both of my engineering school and my master. I then started in October 2020 my PhD in the LISTIC lab in Annecy on :

"Deep Multimodal Learning for Gravitary Movement Detection and Localization from Remote Sensing Imagery".

… as a researcher

My researches are mainly based on image processing and machine/deep learning. I am used to adapt my knowledge in the field to any domain after learning its specificities. The range of applications of my work is wide : video games when I was in engineering school, micro-doppler radar wave signal analysis in TNO (Netherlands), medical images in CREATIS (France) and now remote sensing images in LISTIC Lab (France). After figuring out the specificities, limitations and constraints, I adapt my methodologies to the data, expectations and objectives. Here are some keywords describing the methodologies I set in place: Domain Adaptation, Multi-Modality, Conditionned Networks, Modality Translation and Self-Explainable Networks.


… as a teacher

During my PhD years, I am used to give courses to students in Polytech Annecy-Chambery and in the Institut Universitaire Technologique in Annecy. From Embedding Computer Science to Statistical Analysis, from Computer Science and Algorithms in Python to Deep Learning, I am used to vulgarize my researches and the concepts to send the most relevant messages. As a matter of fact, I also participated at the French version of My Thesis in 180 seconds to help me vulgarizing scientific notions and spread more easily complex concepts.


… as a person

I'm passionnated by computer science in its whole but as previous sections show : especially in image processing !

Video games creations, micro-doppler spectrograms, medical MRI and tomographies and now remote sensing images, so many fields I was glad to discover deeper inside. If I did not have any background on the topic before my experiences, my curiosity and adaptability helped me to associate my skills in image and signal processing as well as in Machine and Deep Learning to all these applications.

But life is not made only of works ! Hiking, swimming, cycling and sometimes bouldering are so many activities I like to share with friends and collegues especially around Annecy nowadays !


Contact me

If you are interested in my works and researches, need some more informations about a paper or figure out to collaborate, do not hesitate to contact me :

Mail adress : antoine.bralet89@gmail.com
LinkedIn Profile : Antoine Bralet